Big'Air Parachutisme Parasailing / Bungee Jumping in Rochefort

Opening hours


  • Monday Open 24h/24
  • Tuesday Open 24h/24
  • Wednesday Open 24h/24
  • Thursday Open 24h/24
  • Friday Open 24h/24
  • Saturday Open 24h/24
  • Sunday Open 24h/24

Closes at 00:00 am

On social networks

Useful information

Location : Sea side

Province : Pays d’Aunis and the coastline, La Rochelle, Rochefort and Marennes


  • Groups
  • English
    • Big'Air is the benchmark skydiving center in Charente Maritime. Specialized in tandem parachute jumping baptism with a professional and dynamic team that will give you the confidence to live your dream.

      Located on the Rochefort aerodrome at the gates of the Île d'Oléron , you will have an exceptional view of the Marennes/Île d'Oléron basin. During the plane climb you will fly over the Islands, Aix, Oléron, Madame, Fort Boyard...

      After 20 minutes of boarding the plane, you will take the plunge from 4000m and 3500m in height for 50 seconds of free fall at 200 km/h followed by a 7-minute ride under the parachute. Live your dream with Big'Air Parachutisme.


      • Weigh between 40 and 95 kg
      • Parental consent for minors
      • Medical certificate requested only for under 17s and over 60s.
      • Do not have a history of ENT or serious heart disease.
      • Forbidden to pregnant women
      • Allow half a day
  • Français

Traveller Reviews Big'Air Parachutisme

4.8 sur 5 551 reviews

  • Terry

    2 sur 5 Reviews posted by Terry on 23/05/2023

    Unfortunately, a day that will be remembered for all the wrong reasons ……. For my wife’s 55th birthday, I bought her a Parachute jump, it being one of the things she has always wanted to do. She asked her brother and sister for money instead of a birthday present to pay for the photos that were on offer. On the week prior to the booking, my wife telephoned Bigair twice, each time indicating that we wanted the photos, we were told to inform them on the day. The day came and on arrival, my wife told the person on the desk that we required photos, it was written on top of her sheet and also a box was clearly ticked for photos. The jump was fantastic but on landing my wife noticed that her tandem partner didn’t have a camera. Apparently, we subsequently found out that our request for photos wasn’t transferred to the jumper’s information. We obviously complained, at first, they were not going to give anything, saying that the camera could have had a problem, unfortunately we didn’t even have a camera to have a problem. This was accompanied with lots of shoulder shrugging and apologises. Eventually they gave a discount of 50€ which is essentially nothing, if it has been our business (we have holiday gites) we would have given a full refund or offered another jump to enable the photos to be taken. So instead of remembering the day for the great views and experience, it will be remembered for the lack of photos, the nagging thought of why didn’t we remind them yet again at the plane, the discussion afterwards and the fact we have nothing to remember the day with.

  • kevin pin

    5 sur 5 Reviews posted by kevin pin on 19/07/2024


  • Nicolas Touron

    5 sur 5 Reviews posted by Nicolas Touron on 17/06/2022

    Best big drop ever 🥰🥰🥰

Traveller Reviews Big'Air Parachutisme

4.5 sur 5 25 reviews

  • "Unfortunately, a day that will be remembered for all the wrong reasons ……."

    2 / 5 Reviews posted by terrypO4439NI (France) on 02/01/2023

    Unfortunately, a day that will be remembered for all the wrong reasons ……. For my wife’s 55th birthday, I bought her a Parachute jump, it being one of the things she has always wanted to do. She...

    Read the full review
  • "Unfortunately, a day that will be remembered for all the wrong reasons ……."

    2 / 5 Reviews posted by terrypO4439NI (France) on 26/09/2022

    Unfortunately, a day that will be remembered for all the wrong reasons ……. For my wife’s 55th birthday, I bought her a Parachute jump, it being one of the things she has always wanted to do. She...

    Read the full review
  • "parachute jump"

    5 / 5 Reviews posted by Lina N on 16/07/2024

    I did my parachute jump baptism with Adrien .I recommend ++, I had a great time! It is reassuring and explains great! Thank you for this beautiful moment

    Read the full review

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Big'Air Parachutisme


Aérodrome de Rochefort
17620 Rochefort


Phone : 07 87 21 49 04

Cell : 06 84 28 27 87

GPS coordinates

45° 53'11.48"N, 0° 58'59.45"W

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