Mornac-sur-Seudre, invitation to travel on the banks of the estuary

Mornac-sur-Seudre, in ...

Ah the cabins! This simple word is enough to get away from it all. The mere mention of these small multicolored wooden huts characteristic of the Charente coast makes our imagination travel and takes us to bucolic places : strips of land surrounded by an immensity of water, salt marshes and oyster beds. Direction Mornac-sur-Seudre , one of the “Most beautiful villages in France” located on the banks of the Seudre in the Royannais region , on the edge of the Arvert peninsula. Art lovers, solitary strollers, family walkers or visitors in search of escape, everyone will find what they are looking for in this small oyster port with cinematic charm!

Mornac sur Seudre

Mornac sur Seudre Mornac sur Seudre

One of the five “Most Beautiful Villages of France” in Charente-Maritime

Oysters , salt , hollyhocks. The Charente trinity is fully respected in Mornac-sur-Seudre. Time does not seem to have a hold on this medieval village with its narrow cobbled streets, lined with traditional whitewashed houses, surrounded by salt marshes and mudflats delimited by the Seudre, one of the smallest rivers in France. A real gem in the heart of a natural setting !

With magnificent arguments, Mornac-sur-Seudre entered the very exclusive club of “the most beautiful villages in France ”. As you stroll through the town, which is largely pedestrianized, you will quickly understand why by discovering its radiant architecture , the Place du Port , its built heritage, its craftsmen's stalls or its artists' studios ... atmosphere of this town with a strong character and to preserve the authenticity of the historic heart, the cars remain outside. Take the time to explore the village on foot and let yourself be won over by the relaxed atmosphere that reigns there. Beautiful surprises await you at the turn of the alleys lined with hollyhocks!

Mornac sur Seudre Mornac sur Seudre

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A colorful artist village

Mornac sur Seudre

Les Halles de Mornac

Mornac sur Seudre

The Romanesque church of Saint-Pierre

Leaving from the old main gate of the city, in the rue des Halles, I venture with my nose to the wind and the mood wandering to discover the village. Once a prosperous fishing and trading port, Mornac retains some medieval vestiges of its rich past, such as its sumptuous framed halls supported by stone pillars dating from the Middle Ages. Preserved, the Halles de Mornac was a famous fairground which allowed traders to sell fish and salt in exchange for a fee paid to the Lord. Today, they are home to the village market held on Wednesday and Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings at night (from April 1st to November 1st). Passing the Halles, I take the rue du Port , one of the main pedestrian axes to reach the small fishing port closely linked to the oyster farming activity. Punctuated by workshops of craftsmen, restaurants and cafes, this street constitutes the nerve center of the village. Here, the heritage can be visited freely: by collecting its roots around the Romanesque church of Saint-Pierre built from the 10th century on the site of an old Merovingian sanctuary, and by meeting the artists who bring the village to life. . At the beginning of the 1950s, Mornac indeed experienced a new impetus thanks to artistic craftsmanship . Pottery, weaving, painting, stained glass, sculpted wood ... today around forty artists have taken up residence there, inspired by the serenity of the place. In " the French Workshop ", I meet the designer Sara Bartko in the middle of making jewelry and decorative objects in her workshop. A work of meticulousness and passion that permeates the natural elements collected by the artist during his walks. Through the art galleries and discovering the various talents of artisans, I push the door of Bar Ouf for a well-deserved refreshment. The interior courtyard shaded by climbing vines, the vintage style and delicious homemade ice cream make it a very pleasant stopover!

Mornac sur Seudre

A village of artists

Mornac sur Seudre Mornac sur Seudre

Meet Sara Bartko, artisan jewelry designer

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The picturesque port and the Mornac channel

As you can see, rue du Port inevitably leads… to the Port! This lively place of life in the village lives to the rhythm of the tides. The comings and goings of oyster and pleasure boats offer a relaxing ballet to the sound of the lapping of the water. Second oyster port of the Seudre estuary, its channel is lined with multicolored wooden huts, ideal for tasting a few oysters and deepening your culture of the territory! Embark aboard the Aigrette for a ride from Mornac to l'Eguille and explore the meanders of the Seudre and its small ports nestled between the marshes and the Hauts de Seudre. A setting conducive to contemplation! Follow the channel on the Route de la Seudre to enjoy the superb wild landscapes or a gourmet iodized break on one of the terraces of the cabins with the menu oysters, shellfish or mussel eclade , a Charentaise specialty. Mornac is an integral part of the Marennes-Oléron oyster basin and is home to many oyster beds and ripening basins where the precious seafood acquires a very particular color and flavor under the action of marennine, a green pigment produced by a microscopic algae that made the reputation of fine oysters from Clair .

Mornac sur Seudre

The port of Mornac

Mornac sur Seudre

Starting point for one-hour cruises on the Seudre

Mornac sur Seudre Mornac sur Seudre

The Cambuse terrace, a privileged view of the port

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To taste delicious oysters in Mornac-sur-Seudre , go to Les Claires du Grand Téger, in a friendly restaurant, for the tasting of local products and magnificent oysters and shrimps. Take away also.

On the Port of Mornac-sur-Seudre, meet at the restaurant Au Fil de l'Eau , for a cuisine as warm as the welcome!
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On the other side of the shore, don't miss the Mornac “Lighthouse” , an authentic replica of one of the very first lighthouses, which were then only wood fires on a “rocking fire door”. manually activated. Do not hesitate to push the door of the "Casino de Mornac" in the yellow hut for an unusual meeting with the "Captain"! This emblematic character of Mornac embodies the conviviality that has reigned in the village for decades. Apart from a bric-a-brac from another world made up of old objects of all kinds, this cabin is the real HQ of the Mornacois and Mornacoises who came to play cards while sipping a drink after work ... until late in the morning. night. The warm soul of Mornac and Charente hospitality in all its splendor!

Mornac sur Seudre

The Lighthouse of Mornac, a curiosity which makes the pride of the inhabitants

Mornac sur Seudre

The "Captain", legendary character of Mornac


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Photos and Article prepared by Lesley Williamson.

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