L'île de Tijo Having the time of your life in Charente-Maritime

Opening hours


  • Monday Closed
  • Tuesday Closed
  • Wednesday 11:00 am - 07:00 pm
  • Thursday Closed
  • Friday Closed
  • Saturday 11:00 am - 07:00 pm
  • Sunday 11:00 am - 07:00 pm

Opens at 11:00 am

On social networks

Useful information

Location : In town

Province : Pays d’Aunis and the coastline, La Rochelle, Rochefort and Marennes


  • Bar
  • Cash
  • Chèques Vacances (Holiday voucher)
  • Credit card accepted
  • Disable access
  • Entertainment
  • Groups
  • Internet : WIFI
  • Open all year round
  • Parking
  • English

      The Island of Tijo is an air-conditioned and exotic play park which aims to bring together parents and children in different spaces.

      First, the OCEAN, a motor skills area for 0-3 year olds. Then come for a walk on the beach before losing yourself in the jungle dedicated to 4-12 year olds where you will experience funny adventures.

      If you are feeling peckish... the SNACK will help you settle the stomachs of young and old alike, with sweet or savory, as you wish.

      In sunny weather, you can enjoy the outdoor area with terrace where children can play with fun games (in good weather only).

  • Français

Traveller Reviews L'île de Tijo

4.4 sur 5 577 reviews

  • Pauline

    5 sur 5 Reviews posted by Pauline on 09/02/2025

    For the price it's really nice It's big enough for all the children. Really great! 👍

  • Laurent Bonhomme

    5 sur 5 Reviews posted by Laurent Bonhomme on 28/01/2025

    Superb place for children, lots of games, enough to keep them busy for an afternoon. Catering on site.

  • Christophe Gosselet

    5 sur 5 Reviews posted by Christophe Gosselet on 26/01/2025

    Really good place for children. Well organized for birthdays. My daughter recommends!

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L'île de Tijo


ZAC de la Varenne
Rue Louis Pasteur
17430 Tonnay-Charente


Phone : 06 09 55 90 19

GPS coordinates

45° 57'9.18"N, 0° 53'43.9"W

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